June 21, 2015

jquery password validation with at least 8 characters, 1 number, 1 upper and 1 lowercase.

Regular expression offers an extremely powerful way of validation for forms password.

I guess your regular expression should look like:

<form id="register">
    <label for="password">Password:</label>
    <input name="password" id="password" type="password"/>
    <span id="result"></span>

Here is some javascript/jquery code:

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {

function checkStrength(password)
//initial strength
var strength1 = 0;
var strength2 = 0;
var strength3 = 0;
var strength4 = 0;

//length is ok, lets continue.
//if length is 8 characters or more, increase strength value
if (password.length < 8) strength1 = 1;
//if password contains both lower and uppercase characters, increase strength value
if (!password.match(/([a-z].*[A-Z])|([A-Z].*[a-z])/))  strength2 = 1;
//if it has numbers and characters, increase strength value
if (!password.match(/([0-9])/))  strength3 = 1;
//if it has one special character, increase strength value
if (!password.match(/([!,%,&,@,#,$,^,*,?,_,~])/))  strength4 += 1
//if it has two special characters, increase strength value
//if (password.match(/(.*[!,%,&,@,#,$,^,*,?,_,~].*[!,",%,&,@,#,$,^,*,?,_,~])/)) strength += 1
//now we have calculated strength value, we can return messages
//if value is less than 2

$('#result').text('Password too short.');
} else if(strength2==1) {
$('#result').text('Please used upper & lower case letter.');
} else if(strength3==1) {
$('#result').text('Please used number.');
} else if(strength4==1) {
$('#result').text('Please used any special character.');
} else {


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