May 3, 2017

Database: Select Query: Laravel simple select query with example

On Laravel, you may not always want to select all columns from a database table.

- Here I try to explain with simple example:


$users = DB::table(<tablename>)->select('field1', 'field2')->get();

- If you want to used and alias for any field name then just used - as

$users = DB::table(<tablename>)->select('field1', 'field2 as newname')->get();

- Used 'Distinct' with Laravel select query

$users = DB::table(<tablename>)->distinct()->get();

- Sometime if you want to used other expression with SQL query

$users = DB::table(<tablename>)->select(DB::raw('count(*) as cnt, field1
                     ->where('field1', '>', 1)


1 comment:

  1. Nossa adorei! Médico decidiu não adotar aparelho.


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