March 27, 2023

What's new in the latest version 8.0.12 of PHP


What's new in the latest version 8.0.12 of PHP


The latest stable release of PHP is version 8.0.12, which was released on September 30, 2021. Below are new features and improvements in PHP 8.0 include:

  • Named arguments: This feature lets developers pass function arguments by name, rather than relying on their position.
  • Union types: This allows developers to declare a parameter or return type as accepting multiple types, for example int|string.
  • Constructor property promotion: This feature simplifies the syntax for defining class properties and initializing them in the constructor.
  • Match expression: Similar to the switch statement, the match expression provides more powerful and concise syntax for matching a value against multiple possible conditions.
  • Attributes: This feature allows developers to add metadata to classes, properties, methods, and functions, providing a more structured way to annotate code.
  • Nullsafe operator: This operator provides a shorthand way to check for null values in a chain of property or method calls.
  • JIT compiler: PHP 8.0 introduces a just-in-time (JIT) compiler, which can improve performance by compiling frequently executed code to native machine code.
  • Improved error handling: PHP 8.0 introduces a new "throw" expression that allows exceptions to be thrown without needing to wrap them in a separate statement. This feature makes error handling more concise and easier to read.
  • Improved type system: PHP 8.0 includes improvements to the type system, including stricter type checking for certain operations, better support for mixed types, and more consistent handling of type errors.
  • New capabilities and classes: PHP 8.0 presents a few new capabilities and classes, including the str_contains() capability for checking whether a string contains a substring, the fdiv() capability for performing drifting point division, and the Stringable point of interaction for objects that can be switched over completely to a string.
These are only a couple of the new highlights and upgrades in PHP 8.0. Engineers are urged to survey the authority discharge notes for a full rundown of changes and new highlights.


1 comment:

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